Find an ABT School or Program
Use the search fields below to find an AOBTA® recognized school or program near you!
The schools and programs listed in this directory are members of the AOBTA® Council of Schools and Programs (COSP). The Asian Bodywork Therapy (ABT) training programs of COSP members are verified to meet or exceed the professional entry-level standards for the ABT profession.
While additional ABT schools and programs do exist, they have not engaged in the AOBTA® approval process and AOBTA® cannot verify if they meet the ABT professional standards. Therefore they are not listed in this directory.
Helpful Search Suggestions:
* For a full listing of schools and programs, simply click "continue" below.
* When searching by location, choose the country first.
* The directory will search for results that meet all the search fields that you have selected - not just any of the search fields. So, the more fields you use in the search, the narrower your results will be.